Recurrent Miscarriage
Recurrent miscarriage, also called recurrent pregnancy loss, is when a couple experiences two or more consecutive miscarriages. The condition may affect couples who have had a healthy full-term pregnancy in the past, as well as those who have never had a full-term pregnancy.
Recurrent miscarriage, which affects 3-5% of couples, can be extremely difficult for couples to face. Instead of feeling joy at each new pregnancy, couples often feel intense anxiety. While approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies may end in a miscarriage, the risk increases to 20-30% once a patient has had two miscarriages in a row. After three miscarriages, the risk of another miscarriage can be as high as 45%.
There is hope, however, for couples suffering the devastation of multiple pregnancy losses. With proper diagnostic testing and treatment, 70-75% of couples with recurrent miscarriage can achieve and maintain a healthy pregnancy.
What are the most common causes of recurrent miscarriage?
Recurrent miscarriage often points to an underlying issue. Common causes include:
- Uterine abnormalities (such as fibroids or a uterine septum)
- Endocrine disorders (such as thyroid disease or diabetes)
- Autoimmune disorders
- Blood-clotting conditions
- Hormonal problems
- Inflammatory conditions (such as endometriosis, chronic endometritis or adenomyosis)
- Genetic disorders (such as balance translocation)
- Lifestyle factors (such as obesity or tobacco and alcohol use)

Some causes, such as autoimmune conditions or uterine abnormalities, are more common than others (affecting 20-40% of women with recurrent miscarriage). By comparison, genetic disorders are present in only 3% of couples with recurrent miscarriage.

How are the underlying causes of recurrent miscarriage diagnosed?
At Veritas Fertility & Surgery, we provide comprehensive diagnostic testing to uncover the likely underlying cause of recurrent miscarriage. Diagnostic tests may include:
- Blood testing
- Office hysteroscopy
- Saline infusion sonohysterogram (SIS)
- Genetic testing
How is recurrent miscarriage treated?
After completing comprehensive diagnostic testing, we create an individualized, targeted plan to treat couples with recurrent miscarriage.
In some cases, medications and hormonal treatments are used to address blood-clotting disorders, autoimmune or inflammatory conditions, or hormonal deficiencies. For uterine problems, such as a fibroid or a uterine septum, hysteroscopic surgery can be used to treat these issues to significantly reduce the risk of a miscarriage.
Our Approach
Recurrent miscarriage can be a complex and difficult condition to evaluate and to treat. While most fertility clinics look for the most common causes, nuanced issues, such as inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, or hormonal deficiencies are often overlooked.
Veritas Fertility & Surgery is committed to thoroughly investigating all possible causes of recurrent miscarriage and providing targeted medical and surgical treatments to address each issue. This approach gives our patients the best chances of achieving and carrying a healthy pregnancy.