HSG and Fallopian Tube Recanalization
Approximately 25% of women with infertility have some degree of tubal blockage. The doctors at Veritas Fertility and Surgery offer two tests to determine whether fallopian tubes are open and functioning normally. Each of these tests can be completed in about 10 minutes and each serves a slightly different purpose. The test that’s right for you will depend on prior testing as well as your medical and/or surgical history.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): This is the most common tubal test and involves injecting an X-ray contrast fluid inside the uterus and watching how it travel through the tubes. During this procedure, our doctors use a small catheter to inject the contrast fluid and this allows him to see if either tube is blocked.

Additionally, the appearance of the tubes and/or the location of the blockage can give us very specific information which can help guide treatment decisions. In some cases, a tubal spasm can make it appear as if there is a tubal blockage even if there is not.
Selective salpingogram with fallopian tube recanalization (SS-FTR): This is an advanced type of HSG that allows for a more precise evaluation of the fallopian tubes. During this procedure, the doctors at Veritas Fertility and Surgery use a specialized catheter system to assess each tube individually and differentiate between a true blockage or a tubal spasm. Additionally, if a blockage is found in either tube near the uterus or in the middle of the tube, the doctors at Veritas Fertility and Surgery can perform a fallopian tube recanalization to reopen the blocked tube with a small flexible wire.